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The Dream Machine:
A serious of style frames for the OP - Z multimedia synthesizer.
Create series of frames that reflects the product's identity and functions. Draw the audience in with your design.

The OP-Z is a multi-media synthesizer. My concept is called At the Tip of Your Fingers, I wanted to emphasize the uniqueness and different functions of this product by using collage, illustrated elements and bright colors. These style frames are meant to be designed for an advertisement.

Through some brainstorming, I decided I wanted to use collage as design style to represent the diverse use of this product. I also wanted to go more abstract and flowy to bring this piece to life.
Some elements I wrote down ended up in the final designs, such as performance art. Textures I use came from stage designs and instruments.

The storyboarding phase helped me figure out the potential animations in my head, and helped a lot with compositions when designing later on.
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